Twitter for Business

Twitter is a social media platform that is used by a wide range of people, from celebrities, who use it to communicate with their fans to companies and brands who can use it to engage their customers and attract new ones. This courses will look in detail at the use of Twitter as part of your marketing activity.

Approved by CPD – Duration 55 mins* – £90.00

Why Video Training?

Presented by an expert in the field of Twitter for Business, our video training gives you everything you need to keep your business legal, your employees safe and your bottom line in the black. Interactive online training goes at precisely the pace required by each individual.

It provides an opportunity to go over the learning content as often as required so every employee gets the optimum learning experience that’ll be retained and applied to keep your business safe and compliant. At a fraction of the cost and fraction of management time than you’d expect, online Twitter for Business video training has the added bonus of a minimal loss of productivity because it’s really efficient and flexible.

More Online Video Training

Introducing GDPR Training Course

Introducing GDPR

This course is designed for front line data processors and provides a clear introduction to the main elements of the GDPR, including compliance and the consequences of non-compliance. It explains the roles of key players and covers the main categories of personal data and the lawful basis for data processing. Other topics examined include the main Principles of the GDPR and the Rights for Individuals, along with the importance of your Privacy Policy. Finally, there’s important information on data breaches; how to avoid them, what to do if one is discovered and how to file a breach report.

Approved by CPD – Duration 60 mins* – £35.00

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Level 1 Food Safety – Retail Training Course

Level 1 Food Safety – Retail

Food safety combines a number of practices to reduce health hazards. These include premises hygiene, personal hygiene, risk control, pest control and waste management. This level 1 course is about minimising the level of potential hazards in a food retail setting.

Approved by CPD, Gatehouse Awards, Institute of Hospitality & IIRSM – Duration 50 mins* – £15.00

Introduction to Risk Assessment Training Course

Introduction to Risk Assessment

At the end of this course, candidates will have an understanding of what a risk assessment is and how to complete one. To achieve this the course will define important terms, provide some basic background information to explain how important risk assessments are and discuss some of the legislation that applies. It will then go on to provide practical advice on how to identify hazards and analyse risk before finishing off by explaining the responsibilities of both employers and employees with regards to risk assessment.

Approved by IIRSM & CPD – Duration 90 mins* – £35.00

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Safeguarding Children Training Course

Safeguarding Children

Safeguarding is a term that describes the work and processes undertaken to minimise and manage the risks involved to vulnerable children. During this training video you will hear many facts, figures and details surrounding the risk to children, the types of abuse suffered, how to recognise the signs of abuse and key safeguarding legislations put in place to minimise the abuse of children.

Approved by CPD – Duration 75 mins* – £35.00

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Workplace Health and Safety Training Course

Workplace Health and Safety

At the end of this course you will have an understanding of health and safety legislation and you’ll be able to list common causes of accidents. You’ll also be able to understand good practice in relation to electricity and describe the use of safe manual handling techniques as well as be able to describe good practice associated with COSHH regulations, be able to describe your action in the event of a fire and also you will know how to deal with an accident.

Approved by IIRSM & CPD – Duration 45 mins* – £35.00

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Alcohol Personal Licence Holder Training Course

Alcohol Personal Licence Holder

This course is intended to provide you with the knowledge you need to complete the test to become a personal licence holder. It covers all the major topics relating to UK licensing law, responsibilities and penalties for breaching these. It also looks in detail at the issue of age verification including an interactive element to support learning in this area.

Approved by Laser Awards, CPD & Institute of Hospitality – Duration 90 mins* – £125.00

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Working at Height Training Course

Working at Height

This course is aimed at anyone who undertakes work at height, or who employs people who regularly work at height. It covers what constitutes work at height, the safety issues, and how to assess and reduce some of the risks. Important note: Please note that this is an awareness course only, if your duties include working at height you will also need further practical training, you can get in touch with us to arrange this.

Approved by CPD, Gatehouse Awards & IIRSM – Duration 105 mins* – £35.00

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Paediatric First Aid Training Course

Paediatric First Aid

The aim of this course is to equip you with the theoretical knowledge, skills and confidence you need to deal with paediatric first aid situations. It covers all of the key topics including: emergency planning, assessing a situation, basic Life Support, CPR, shock, fractures, bleeding and a range of other minor illness and injuries. Please be aware that having a theoretical knowledge on its own is not enough to be considered competent in paediatric first aid and practical demonstration in some areas is required to complete this training. Please contact us to arrange this.

Approved by CPD – Duration 115 mins* – £35.00

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Negotiation Training Course


This course covers the basics of what constitutes a negotiation, the key stages of a negotiation, skills you can apply to your negotiations and some practical advice so you can bring all of this together and become a more effective negotiator.

Approved by CPD – Duration 46 mins* – £35.00

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Project Management Training Course

Project Management

This course covers the basic principles of project management and covers some of the tools and techniques you can employ to improve your project management skills.

Approved by CPD – Duration 90 mins* – £35.00

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