Preparing for a Job Interview

Interviews are two-way processes, where the employer and the interviewee can both decide if they are a good fit. This short course will provide you with some useful tips for how to prepare for an interview including preparing answers to common questions.

Approved by CPD – Duration 20 mins* – £35.00

Why Video Training?

Presented by an expert in the field of Preparing for a Job Interview, our video training gives you everything you need to keep your business legal, your employees safe and your bottom line in the black. Interactive online training goes at precisely the pace required by each individual.

It provides an opportunity to go over the learning content as often as required so every employee gets the optimum learning experience that’ll be retained and applied to keep your business safe and compliant. At a fraction of the cost and fraction of management time than you’d expect, online Preparing for a Job Interview video training has the added bonus of a minimal loss of productivity because it’s really efficient and flexible.

More Online Video Training

ADHD Awareness Training Course

ADHD Awareness

ADHD is a chronic condition that creates a range of persistent symptoms such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour. The course covers the definitions of ADHD, the different types of ADHD and how to recognise some key signs and symptoms. It’ll also talk about how ADHD is diagnosed and treated, and offer some useful information about how to live with ADHD.

Approved by CPD – Duration 45 mins* – £35.00

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Safeguarding Children Training Course

Safeguarding Children

Safeguarding is a term that describes the work and processes undertaken to minimise and manage the risks involved to vulnerable children. During this training video you will hear many facts, figures and details surrounding the risk to children, the types of abuse suffered, how to recognise the signs of abuse and key safeguarding legislations put in place to minimise the abuse of children.

Approved by CPD – Duration 75 mins* – £35.00

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Level 2 Food Safety – Retail

Food safety combines a number of practices to reduce health hazards. These include premises hygiene, personal hygiene, risk control, pest control and waste management. This level 2 course is about minimising the level of potential hazards in a food retail setting.

Approved by CPD, Gatehouse Awards, Institute of Hospitality & IIRSM – Duration 75 mins* – £25.00

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Alcohol Personal Licence Holder Training Course

Alcohol Personal Licence Holder

This course is intended to provide you with the knowledge you need to complete the test to become a personal licence holder. It covers all the major topics relating to UK licensing law, responsibilities and penalties for breaching these. It also looks in detail at the issue of age verification including an interactive element to support learning in this area.

Approved by Laser Awards, CPD & Institute of Hospitality – Duration 90 mins* – £125.00

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Prevent Duty Training Course

Prevent Duty

This course starts with an overview of the Government’s Prevent strategy, and then looks at some of the reasons people become extremists. It goes on to cover the objectives of the Prevent strategy, how to base your actions on a risk based approach, what to do if you are concerned and much more.

Approved by CPD – Duration 65 mins* – £35.00

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Anti-Money Laundering Training Course

Anti-Money Laundering

This course covers the essential facts about money-laundering, along with the relevant legal aspects and how companies can set up systems and policies to detect and deal with what is a major criminal problem, worldwide.

Approved by CPD & Institute of Hospitality – Duration 50 mins* – £35.00


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Leadership Skills Training Course

Leadership Skills

A leader doesn’t necessarily have to be a ‘manager’, but it’s difficult to see how a manager could be truly effective without having at least some leadership skills. This course will introduce you to some of the import techniques and theories that can help you to improve your leadership skills and be more effective in your role.

Approved by CPD & ILM – Duration 90 mins* – £35.00

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Introduction to Risk Assessment Training Course

Introduction to Risk Assessment

At the end of this course, candidates will have an understanding of what a risk assessment is and how to complete one. To achieve this the course will define important terms, provide some basic background information to explain how important risk assessments are and discuss some of the legislation that applies. It will then go on to provide practical advice on how to identify hazards and analyse risk before finishing off by explaining the responsibilities of both employers and employees with regards to risk assessment.

Approved by IIRSM & CPD – Duration 90 mins* – £35.00

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Personal Protective Equipment Training Course

Personal Protective Equipment

This course will show how wearing PPE plays a crucial role in preventing and reducing fatalities, injuries and diseases at work. It includes details of a wide range of PPE options, examines the legislation and regulations and also covers the role risk assessment plays in the selection and use of PPE. The course concludes with advice on how to use, fit and wear PPE and its physical and theoretical limitations.

Approved by CPD – Duration 60 mins* – £35.00

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Supervising Mental Health at Work

This course will look at supervising stress and mental health at work and show you how to create a good mental health culture in your workplace.

Approved by CPD – Duration 25 mins* – £35.00

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