LinkedIn for Business

LinkedIn is a very valuable tool to find the key decision makers within certain companies. It’s used for finding the best point of contact, gaining familiarity with their background before a call or sales pitch and a lot more. Find out how it can be used to enhance your business.

Approved by CPD – Duration 45 mins* – £90.00

Why Video Training?

Presented by an expert in the field of LinkedIn for Business, our video training gives you everything you need to keep your business legal, your employees safe and your bottom line in the black. Interactive online training goes at precisely the pace required by each individual.

It provides an opportunity to go over the learning content as often as required so every employee gets the optimum learning experience that’ll be retained and applied to keep your business safe and compliant. At a fraction of the cost and fraction of management time than you’d expect, online LinkedIn for Business video training has the added bonus of a minimal loss of productivity because it’s really efficient and flexible.

More Online Video Training

Emergency First Aid at Work – Online Annual Refresher Training Course

Emergency First Aid at Work – Online Annual Refresher

This Emergency First Aid Refresher course will highlight some of the most common situations that you might come across and the actions that you can take to help.

Approved by IIRSM, Institute of Hospitality & CPD – Duration 150 mins* – £35.00

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Basic Fire Safety Awareness Training Course

Basic Fire Safety Awareness

This course explains, in brief, why fires occur and what actions you must take to help prevent them starting and the actions you must take when they do. By completing this course you will be making your workplace a safer environment.

Approved by IFE, CPD, Gatehouse Awards, Institute of Hospitality & IIRSM – Duration 60 mins* – £25.00

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Developing Teamwork Training Course

Developing Teamwork

This course will start by explaining in detail what team working is and cover some of the basic principles for putting together a group of people who will work well together. It then goes on to cover conflict within teams, explaining some of the reasons conflict occurs and some strategies for managing conflict. It finishes off by exploring some of the different styles of management behaviour and how to develop a resilient team.

Approved by CPD & ILM – Duration 30 mins* – £35.00

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Objective Setting Training Course

Objective Setting

This course aims to help you write effective objectives that deliver results. It covers the importance of goals and objectives and why we need them, the barriers to you achieving your objectives and how to overcome them, what SMART objectives are and how to write and identify them and concludes with some tips for successful objective setting.

Approved by CPD – Duration 30 mins* – £35.00

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Display Screen Equipment Awareness Training Course

Display Screen Equipment Awareness

This course is aimed at users of display screen equipment, or DSE as it’s often called. DSE is a term that covers a wide range of equipment. If DSE equipment like this is not set up correctly, users are at increased risk from certain disorders. As an employee, you share the responsibility to keep people safe at work. That means undergoing relevant training and ensuring that rules are followed.

Approved by IIRSM & CPD – Duration 50 mins* – £35.00

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Time Management Training Course

Time Management

More often than not, the people who excel in their job, or are high achievers manage their time effectively, in a way that makes them work in a more efficient manner. This course has been designed to ensure you have the techniques to improve your efficiency, output and ability to function more effectively – whether in your ordinary day or when deadlines loom and the pressure is building.

Approved by CPD – Duration 105 mins* – £35.00

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Electrical Safety Training Course

Electrical Safety

This course will start by covering the many benefits electricity brings to society, as well as its key components voltage, current and resistance. It will explain the two main types of electricity, cover UK accident and death statistics, and describe a simple way of remembering the electrical hazards. It then goes on to provide basic instructions about how you could safely help someone you suspect has received an electric shock.

Approved by IIRSM – Duration 45 mins* – £35.00

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Customer Service Training Course

Customer Service

This course will start by making it very clear exactly what we mean by customer service, and why it’s so vital and then go into detail about some of the ways you can improve the customer service provided by your organisation.

Approved by CPD – Duration 75 mins* – £35.00

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Fire Marshal Training Course

Fire Marshal

The main outcome of this training course is to provide you with the knowledge to carry out the functions of a fire marshal. – Please note, this course also contains all of the content in the Basic Fire Awareness and Fire Extinguisher courses.

Approved by CPD, Gatehouse Awards, Institute of Hospitality & IIRSM – Duration 220 mins* – £35.00

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Presentation Skills Training Course

Presentation Skills

Giving a successful presentation can be one of the hardest parts of many people’s jobs. This course covers the common mistakes people make when preparing for and giving a presentation so you can avoid these, as well as going over good practice and providing some practical advice that you can put to good use the next time you have a big presentation to make.

Approved by CPD – Duration 55 mins* – £35.00

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