Lone working: Protect those working alone!

Employers must manage all health and safety risks before allowing employees to work alone. This applies to anyone contracted to work for you, including self-employed people.

Lone workers are those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision, the risks for lone workers are always high as they have no one helping them when things go wrong, this is due to high risk exposure to work-related road risks.

Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, you as an employer must manage the risk to lone workers, and think about who will be involved and which hazards could harm those working alone.


We provide an online course for this and can be completed in your own time at home.

Total Construction Training – eLearning Training Courses (videotilehost.com) 



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Email: info@totalconstructiontraining.co.uk

Phone: 01527 893076



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