Monday 31st July- Now just £95+vat !!!
8:30am – 4:00pm – 1 Day course
All employers have a duty to provide fully trained first aiders in their workplace. This is to ensure employees receive immediate attention if they are injured at work.
With proper first aid provision, life is potentially saved and a person who is ill or suffering from injury is given greater chances of survival.
To be a first aider is a GREAT choice to consider. You won’t only help strangers, you could also help people close to your heart.
Ensure compliance by booking onto our Emergency First Aid 1-Day course now!!
Redditch Training Centre
Sandhills Farm (In SE Davis Site)
Edgioake Lane
Astwood Bank
B96 6BG
For all enquires and bookings
Phone: 01527893076
website booking system: